An awakened soul activates the alteration of destiny. Since a person who chases fame and wealth can suddenly penetrate the vanity fair and realize the truth of illusionary life with the guidance of sutra, this change leads to an enlightened heart. The book is full of positive energy to awaken your soul. May the wisdom bring to you the kindness, compassion and Dharma joy. May your life peaceful and auspicious!
仁炟法师著述 Written by Ven. Renda
《老和尚说故事 · 幸福密码系列》 “the old monk tells stories ? the password of happiness series ”
1.《 因果观与阳光人生》 Causality and Bright Life 2.《修在当下》(中英文)Practice Right Here and Right Now 3.《劝诵金刚经》Diamond Sutra Learning Initiative 4.《素食与健康》(中英文)Vegetarian Diet and Health
该系列下目前有四本书,免费结缘。后续图书仍在制作中,敬请关注。 Under this series there are four books, free distribution. Subsequent books are still on working, so stay tuned.
01 《因果观与阳光人生》 Causality and Bright Life
因果法则——宇宙万有生灭变化的普遍规律。信与不信,它都在那里,推动着万事万物的发展进程。本书中,仁炟大和尚以开放性视野,引领您客观认知因果,解密命运真相,尊重客观规律,随顺善缘,勤种善因,拥有幸福的阳光人生。 The Law of Causation - the Universal Law of Change, Birth and Death in the universe. Believing or not, it is there, to promote the development processes of all the things. In this book, Ven. Renda lead you to objectively understand the cause and effect, decrypt the truth of fate, respect for the objective law, keep good relationship, do good deeds, have a happy bright life by virtue of opening vision.
02 《修在当下》(中英文) Practice Right Here and Right Now
在瞬息万变的现代社会,物质丰富,网络发达,每个人都面临更多的机遇、挑战和压力,欲望、困惑、愤懑、彷徨、无助等等,身处其中,应如何智慧面对,安住身心?请在本书中寻找答案。 This rapidly changing modern society with abundant material wealth and developed network, everyone faces more opportunities, challenges, desires, confusions, resentment, wandering, helplessness and so forth. How do we find a way out with wisdom and pacify the body and mind? The answer is within this book.
03 《劝诵金刚经》 Diamond Sutra of Learning Initiative
佛教传入中国两千多年来,《金刚经》不仅被历代高僧大德奉为智慧宝典,在尘世间也受到帝王将相、文人雅士、乃至平民百姓的尊崇。面对这部让心灵觉醒的伟大佛教经典,仁炟大和尚结合多年来诵持《金刚经》的亲身体悟,引领大家管窥堂奥,修持《金刚经》,反观自心,直面自我,调服种种负面情绪,去除执着,得大智慧、大福报、大自在。 Buddhism came to China for more than two thousand years, "Diamond Sutra" is not only taken as the treasure of wisdom by the ancient monks and saints and also respected and praised by the literati, and even the civilian population. In the face of this great souls awaken great Buddhist sutra, Ven. Renda combined with his experience of chanting and practicing "Diamond Sutra" for lots of years, to lead everyone to understand and practice "Diamond Sutra", to observe the mind, face him or herself, be conquered all kinds of negative emotions, remove persistence, to get great wisdom, luck and peace.
04 《素食与健康》(中英文) Vegetarian Diet and Health
仁炟大和尚以一位科研工作者的视角,从医学、生物和营养学的层面,阐述了素食对健康的重要性,文字平实易懂,耐人寻味。 Ven. Renda discourses on the significance ofvegetarian diet from the views of medical science, biology and nutriology inthe perspective of a scientific worker. His words are simple, pellucid andthought-provoking.
本套图书免费结缘,如何恭请? This series of books are free of charge, how can I respectfully get them?
1、 微店:扫描二维码,进入“正觉文化小店”恭请。 Wechat shop: scan the QR code, enter the "Zhengjue culture shop" to get it respectfully.
3、 素食馆、寺院或者居士团体大量恭请流通,请联系电话:18678131582(山东 吉文居士),15012648541(广东 妙琬居士)。 Vegetarian restaurants, temples or lay Buddhist group getting for circulation please call: 18678131582(Shandong Jiwen Lay) 15012648541 (Guangdong Miaowan Lay)
想要助印本书,如何参与? If help to print the book, how to participate in?
扫描二维码(正觉福田),即可参与助印。正法的传递,需要有你我的参与、支持和奉献。您手中的这本书,充满了唤起心灵觉醒的正能量。愿更多有缘人因此获得解脱的大智慧。 Scan QR code (Zhengjue donation field), you can participate in the assistant printing. Pass of Buddha Dharma, need you and my participation, support and dedication. The book in your hands is filled with the positive energy activates the awakening of the mind. Expect more people to get the great wisdom of the liberation.
对法的布施不用客气 Do not hesitate to do the Buddha Dharma Donation
慧律法师:你对法的布施不用客气,有钱出钱,有力一定要出力。护持正法,要出力,要出钱,有空间出空间,有时间出时间,无论是出时间、出空间、出钱出力,都是护持正法,你这个果报不得了。三宝门中好修福,一粒种子万粒收,这个三宝门中舍下了时间、空间、体力、财力,就不得了,将来诸位的果报可不是一般的福报。所以诸位,你要记住佛陀的一句话,你今天所有布施出去的东西,将来统统回馈到你身上,你要牢牢记住佛陀这一句话,功不唐捐。 Ven. Huilv said: You do not hesitate to donate for Buddha Dharma, pay the money or the labor whatever you have. Protect the Dharma, to contribute money, strength, or space if you have. Whatever you contribute, the time, space, labor or fortune, which is the protection of Dharma, the results are great. A seed will bring million of harvest in Buddhist field. Contribution of time, space, labor and fortune to Buddha, Dharma and Sangha caused in the fantastic lucky results. So remember the words of Buddha, all the things you contribute today all what will come back to you in the future. So remember the words of the Buddha deeply: the virtue will come back.